Endodontic Post-Op Instructions

After Your First Appointment:
You may expect your treatment to be fairly uneventful, similar to having a tooth filled. However, it is not uncommon to experience some discomfort after the first appointment. This may be due to irritation produced by the infection that was present in your tooth. Manipulation of the tooth and the supporting tissues during treatment may also produce some mild irritation. The tooth will feel much better in a day or two if you follow these suggestions:
- Avoid chewing on the tooth to allow nature time for healing.
- Discomfort can usually be controlled by two aspirins (or aspirin substitute) taken every 4-6 hours until the tooth is comfortable.
If pain or swelling persists or becomes progressively worse, please do not hesitate to call the office for advice or special care.
After Completion of your Root Canal Treatment:
At this time, your root canal has been sealed to promote healing. The infection that was present in your tooth has been eliminated and should not recur. It is now up to your body’s normal repair process to heal the damage that the original infection produced. Your physical state of health will play an important part in this healing process. The tooth may be tender for several days. Avoid chewing on this tooth until all the tenderness is gone.
Restoration of the Tooth:
Although the root(s) of your tooth are sealed, the crown of the tooth is sealed only with a temporary cement. It may last many weeks, but it is imperative to see your dentist as soon as possible so that the tooth can be properly restored. This is a very important phase of your endodontic treatment and will greatly influence the successful outcome of your case. Please make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible.
Click here to download these instructions for printing.Postoperative Surgery Instructions:
- Do not lift your lip to view the site of the operation, you might tear the sutures.
- Apply ice over the site of the operation (on the facial side), for 20 minutes on and 10 minutes off for the next 6 hours. This will help control swelling and bruising. If bruising does occur, moist heat can be applied to the area the day after surgery.
- The teeth and gums should be given their usual care, except in the region of the operation. Light brushing of the teeth in the surgical area can begin on the second day after the surgery.
- The day after surgery, gently rinse your mouth with a glass of warm salt water (1/2 tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water). This should be done after every meal and will promote healing.
Some swelling and bruising can occur and will gradually disappear. Slight bleeding is normal for the first 24 hours. - A healthy diet will promote the healing process. Select foods that will be nourishing but will not require vigorous chewing. For your own comfort during the first 24 hours, a soft food diet is recommended. Drink plenty of fluids, but avoid the use of a straw.
- Cigarette smoking should be avoided at least during the first 24 hours after surgery.
- In case of emergency, please notify the office at once.